Managed MLOPS Products

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It's Techin' Time

My Favorite Stack

Mostly using web technologies. See complete list

Managed Solution

JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js/Deno/Bun, npm/yarn/pnpm, Golang, Rust, Python, Ruby, Kotlin/Java, Swift, Dart

No Vendor lock-in

Figma, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Windi CSS, React, React Router, TanStack Router, Ariakit, Radix UI, Headless UI, Jotai, Zustand, XState, Redux/RTK

User management

Express, NestJS, GraphQL Yoga, Pothos, Prisma, MySQL/MariaDB/PlanetScale, PostgreSQL/Neon/Supabase

Full Stack, Web API, Testing, CI/CD

Remix, Next.js, Astro, RedwoodJS, REST API, GraphQL, tRPC, gRPC, Vitest, testing-library, Playwright, GitHub Actions

Instant Model Deployment

Vercel, Netlify,, Various Analytics, Mailjet, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure

Management, Repo, Misc

Linear, Basecamp, Twist/Slack/Discord, Vim, VS Code, Markdown, Warp/iTerm2/Hyper, Git, GitHub/GitLab, esbuild, Vite, Turbopack, Turborepo, Slidev

My Frequent Questions

What is this question?

This is the answer with some example sentence. Another sentence so it can be longer and looks good.

What is this question?

This is the answer with some example sentence. Another sentence so it can be longer and looks good.

What is this question?

This is the answer with some example sentence. Another sentence so it can be longer and looks good.

What is this question?

This is the answer with some example sentence. Another sentence so it can be longer and looks good.

What is this question?

This is the answer with some example sentence. Another sentence so it can be longer and looks good.

What is this question?

This is the answer with some example sentence. Another sentence so it can be longer and looks good.

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